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Baltimore- Area Resources
-Because It Truly takes a village-


Nets Manela
Nets Manela provides Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for adults, babies, and pregnant people in the Baltimore area.  She is also a licensed home birth midwife, doula, and mother of four. 
Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle yet powerful hands-on healing modality that supports the whole being to unwind trauma and forces held in the body's tissues.  Safe for newborn babies and pregnant people, craniosacral therapy can help with stress and anxiety, pain and tension, digestion and elimination, sleep issues, breastfeeding challenges, torticollis, birth trauma, and more!

You can find more information about BCST on Nets' website here [link may change soon when my new site goes live]. 
Reach out to Nets to schedule a visit or a free consult by phone, text or email, at 240-997-5319,


Kiah Gibian of Wilde Seed Doula

Carling Sothorn a
t Chesapeake Birth

Alyssa Kinney- Bella Rose Birth Services. She offers home-birth oriented childbirth ed classes as well!

The Womb Room-I used to be a birth doula for them many moons ago! 

Baltimore Doula Project- This organization works on a sliding scale to make quality doula care more accessible to all seeking support.


Herbal Support

Here! Raven Midwifery:)  check out the shop page

Hey Thanks! Herbal Co- Amazing mama and human Katelyn makes beautiful and nourishing things!


Support Groups/Mental Health Providers

Leann Randow- Mala Mantis Counseling.
The Womb Room of Baltimore- offers individual therapy sessions as well as support groups

Return to Zero Hope- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support - a wonderful resource for connection, information and support groups

Psychiatry for Women- Dr. Julie Brownley, MD, PhD- compassionate women supporting mental health through reproductive journeys
Upward Spiral Wellness-
Nathalie Savell, LCPC- an amazing human with lots of warmth and experience

Breast milk Jewelry

Precious Mammaries
Rachel creates the most beautiful and heart-centered breast milk jewelry and keepsakes- YOURBREASTMILK.COM

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Lexy Martinez, MS, OTR/L
Pelvic Health Occupational Therapist- Rhythm and Ritual Pelvic Health - and she makes home visits!!

Dr. Sam DuFlou-
Indigo Physiotherapy. They DO take insurance!



MEND Acupuncture serves all types of bodies working through all types of things. I recommend Susannah Neal- who also offers the Arvigo Therapy I do! MEND offers walk-in clinics, which are great for busy people with ever-evolving schedules!

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Emily Telfair- Heart Space Natural Medicine



Kiah Gibian- Wild Seed Doula/Wild Thyme Baltimore

Meal prep, meal delivery services-
Incredible, nourishing foods delivered to your house- can tailor to food allergies and preferences~
Rebecca Karten-

MOON VALLEY FARM- A local, woman-owned organic farm. Stock up on veggies, coffee, seasonal fruit, locally made pasta and more on their online farmers market- they deliver to many places around the Baltimore area!



Dr Liz Santangelo-

Dr. Liz is a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor practicing in Nottingham, MD. She uses the Webster technique on our pregnant clients.

Raven Midwifery Clients get a discounted consultation with Dr. Liz-!

Check out her practice here !


Tessy Brungardt:
An Incredible Rolfer- her information here

Curtis Ewing- another Rolfer who works with pregnant and postpartum bodies: 443-928-9760

Maggie Jones- Rolfer in Westminster, MD-

Jessie Bernstein-Newton, LMT, BCTMB- Sweet Willow Massage

Molly Farwall, LMT at Metta Health -
Leah, LMT- in-home prenatal massage 30 minutes of Havre De Grace-

ME! (Hannah Burba) I offer the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy-


Education- classes, mentorship, supported learning

Moss Froom- trans and queer-centered childbirth education, in-home and tailored to individual schedules.

Alyssa Kinney- Bella Rose Birth Services- Alyssa teaches a childbirth education series tailored to the home birth/out of hospital birthing client

The Womb Room- Offers childbirth education, baby care, and all sorts of fantastic community-building classes

Birth Academy- online homebirth childbirth ed course


Spiritual or Esoteric Support-

Sarah Naia Soleil- Spirit Baby Communication and readings. I have found this to be especially helpful for those experiencing loss or struggling through a longer-than-anticipated preconception journey.



Would you like to be listed here!? Please be in touch and let's get connected!

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