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  • Writer's pictureHannah Burba, CPM

What is a tincture?

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

What is a tincture? I'm so glad you asked!

Tinctures are very concentrated forms of herbal medicine.

They are made by soaking herbs in alcohol or glycerin for 4-8 weeks.

The herbs are then strained out and the tincture is bottled up.

That's it!

When I am making a tincture, I am asking a liquid to hold the medicinal value of a plant-

Herbal tinctures have been used for generations, across time and space, to deliver very concentrated amounts of herbs to a body in a quick and effective manner. Different herbs prefer different preparations- for example, not every herb transmits its healing qualities effectively as a glycerin, others do.

Dosage of a tincture will vary from body to body, but generally, a few drops at a time will deliver the herbal benefits.

I have been working with and creating different combinations of herbs for the last 10 years and have developed my own relationship with each plant, which is a wonderful place to start when working with herbs. It’s absolutely free and empowering to feel there are tools and help growing out of the earth all around us!

I have added raw, local honey to a number of the tinctures on my site- originally as a way to encourage my children to take them:) Yes, there are some "rules" with working with plants, but there is a lot of room for creativity and making things work for your unique body!

Herbs are categorized in a number of different ways, but a few that you will see on my page are:

Nervines: Support the nervous system. This is what dictates if our body is in “fight or flight” or “rest and digest” mode- these herbs can support our feeling of safety and a usher a smooth and speedy return to a sense of calm during times of upset or overwhelm.

Some I have created include: Rose tincture, Heart Drops, Hops tincture, Mind down Wind Down tea- many more!

Diuretic: Increases urination, helpful with swelling, fluid retention, UTIs…etc. *Corn silk is a great example-

Hepatic: Supports the liver, stimulates liver function. The liver and the skin are closely connected and usually working with one can support the other.

*Anything with dandelion in my store!

Emmenagogue: Herbs that stimulate uterine bleeding, or menstrual flow.

*The motherwort in the boundaries and protection tincture

Ovarian Tonics: Promote/stimulate/increase ovarian activity. *My balance tincture

Uterine Tonics: Tone/strengthen/nourish/promote circulation to the uterus. *Saturn Rose Tincture

Galactagogue: Stimulate the production/flow of breast milk.*My make milk tincture

Tinctures offer very concentrated amounts of herbs, so a general rule is to start small and increase a dosage depending on how a body reacts and feels. Less is always more.

As always, these statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease. Please consult your body, do your own research and ask your health care provider before beginning using herbal products.

Some good reading references for herbal info:

Walk around outside and look at who is growing around you.

There are so many more! Should I add more to this list? Do you have any favorites you would like to share!?

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